Thursday, May 29, 2008


Coincidence, While this post is NOT a Coincidence, I read a sign while driving past a church the other day (within the last week or so maybe two) that read Coincidence is God working anonymously, and thought to myself how strange that I read that sign, because my life in the last month or so has been overflowing with coincidence. I chalk it up to "taking time to notice" and separating myself from the daily grind.


Monica said...

Nothing is a Coincidence..... everything happens for a reason.

Avant said...

"In reality," says mathematician John Allen Paulos, "the most astonishingly incredible coincidence imaginable would be the complete absence of all coincidences."

The moral: That a particular specified event or coincidence will occur is very unlikely. That some astonishing unspecified events will occur is certain. That is why remarkable coincidences are noted in hindsight, not predicted with foresight.

James Sheehan said...

Scott... While I agree with your point, err John's point, what I find odd is the AMOUNT of coincidence not that they exist. Sure given the number of "events" in ones life, coincidence is sure to happen, but when they happen with such frequency to one person, over a seemingly long (one month) periond of time this becomes unusual and begs to be considered.

James Sheehan said...

I personally like Monica's comment better ;0 snap

Avant said...

yes yes. It feels much nicer and is much more romantic to think that it all actually means something. I 100% agree...

I personally think there is no world and this is all a dream in my subconcious...maybe someday I'll wake up and realize I'm a drone in some alien work factory.

James Sheehan said...

Actually... if you want to know the truth, it is I who is in an Alien Ant farm and all you people are just here so they can study my reactions to all of our interactions.